Remember Paul the predicting Octopus????

Since Paul's untimely death there's been a gap in the animal football predicting market....

Somewhere in a deep dark forest at a hi-tech kennel facility. A team of scientists, top class veterinaries and Shaun Wright Phillips have been working day and night breeding and training the next generation of prediction pups.

Each week the cream of the crop will delve deep into their inner pup and predict the scores of the Barclay's English Premier League.

Will they succeed, only time will tail.

Saturday 2 June 2012

The Champion

The Season is over and Time to crown our Puppy Predicts victor.
The Winnalot Puppy Predicts 2011-2012 winner is........... Juan Carlos.

Congratulations Juan.

Juan Carlos scored a brilliant 22 points, that 5 spot on scores predicted and 4 of those predicted in the first round.

Well that’s it for this season of Puppy Predicts; the pups are taking well earned holidays in the sun. All paid for of course by SWP and Anton.

We’ve had our ups and our downs this season; there’s been the good and the bad.
The Good
Juan Carlos 4 correct scores in one weekend
SWP and Anton being good blokes
All the hard working pups

The Bad
Just Joey Barton

So good bye pup fans until next season, or is it!

Stay tuned for Euro pup 2012!!!!

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