Remember Paul the predicting Octopus????

Since Paul's untimely death there's been a gap in the animal football predicting market....

Somewhere in a deep dark forest at a hi-tech kennel facility. A team of scientists, top class veterinaries and Shaun Wright Phillips have been working day and night breeding and training the next generation of prediction pups.

Each week the cream of the crop will delve deep into their inner pup and predict the scores of the Barclay's English Premier League.

Will they succeed, only time will tail.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Scraps Predicts for the Weekend of 17.11.2012

I'm Scraps and I'm a puppy....look how playful I am...Woof. Don't mess with me though or I'll have you!

Scraps at work

Merry Scraps Mas

Scraps sitting on chair

Saturday 17th November 2012
Arsenal   2 v 2 Tottenham      12:45   
Liverpool 0 v 0 Wigan          15:00   
Man City  1 v 0 Aston Villa    15:00   
Newcastle 1 v 1 Swansea        15:00   
QPR       1 v 2 Southampton    15:00   
Reading   2 v 2 Everton        15:00   
West Brom 1 v 0 Chelsea        15:00   
Norwich   1 v 2 Man Utd        17:30

Sunday 18th November 2012
Fulham    2 v 0 Sunderland      6:00

Monday 19th November 2012
West Ham  1 v 1 Stoke           20:00

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