Remember Paul the predicting Octopus????

Since Paul's untimely death there's been a gap in the animal football predicting market....

Somewhere in a deep dark forest at a hi-tech kennel facility. A team of scientists, top class veterinaries and Shaun Wright Phillips have been working day and night breeding and training the next generation of prediction pups.

Each week the cream of the crop will delve deep into their inner pup and predict the scores of the Barclay's English Premier League.

Will they succeed, only time will tail.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Baxter Predicts for 14.09.13 - 16.09.13

Alright, I'm Baxter  and I'm a secret agent pup, I on the look out for the elusive Football predictions. I here they been stolen by an master criminal Dr Gnasher, he's called Gnasher for a reason you know, it's his bloody huge teeth.
I've heard stories of him bite pups in half, so I got to be careful, I'll used all my wit and cunning. I wont let him get away with this people need these predictions and I'm going to give it to them.
there's a clue its a Swansea shirt, and there, down that dark alley strewn with needles and homeless people....its... it  a number 2,  I'm getting close.
"Ah Baxter you foiled my plan to steal this weeks predictions...your a clever boy"
"Who said that?"
"it is I, Dr Gnasher"
"show yourself, you evil genius"
"I'm out already"
"Look down"
"further down"

"oh, is that you, Ha ha but you a mouse, that's not scary"
"I am So"
"No your not, now give me the predictions"
"look I can see them behind you, I'll just taken then"
"Give them back I stolen them first"
"Dr Gnasher are you crying"
"I can't help it im sensitive"
"look if you stop, we can share this weeks predictions Come on what do you say"
"all right then"
On to the predicting

Man united   2 v 1 Crystal Palace

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