Remember Paul the predicting Octopus????

Since Paul's untimely death there's been a gap in the animal football predicting market....

Somewhere in a deep dark forest at a hi-tech kennel facility. A team of scientists, top class veterinaries and Shaun Wright Phillips have been working day and night breeding and training the next generation of prediction pups.

Each week the cream of the crop will delve deep into their inner pup and predict the scores of the Barclay's English Premier League.

Will they succeed, only time will tail.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Robbie Joe predicts for 21.09.13 - 22.09.13

Saturday 21 September 

Norwich        0 v 0  Aston Villa
Liverpool       1 v 0  Southampton 
Newcastle     1 v 0  Hull
West Brom    2 v 1 Sunderland
West Ham     0 v 0 Everton
Chelsea         3 v 0 Fulham

Sunday 22 September 

Arsenal           2 v 0 Stoke
Crystal Palace 1 v 2 Swansea
Cardiff             0 v 2 Spur
Man City         1 v 1 Man United

Saturday 14 September 2013

Baxter Predicts for 14.09.13 - 16.09.13

Alright, I'm Baxter  and I'm a secret agent pup, I on the look out for the elusive Football predictions. I here they been stolen by an master criminal Dr Gnasher, he's called Gnasher for a reason you know, it's his bloody huge teeth.
I've heard stories of him bite pups in half, so I got to be careful, I'll used all my wit and cunning. I wont let him get away with this people need these predictions and I'm going to give it to them.
there's a clue its a Swansea shirt, and there, down that dark alley strewn with needles and homeless people....its... it  a number 2,  I'm getting close.
"Ah Baxter you foiled my plan to steal this weeks predictions...your a clever boy"
"Who said that?"
"it is I, Dr Gnasher"
"show yourself, you evil genius"
"I'm out already"
"Look down"
"further down"

"oh, is that you, Ha ha but you a mouse, that's not scary"
"I am So"
"No your not, now give me the predictions"
"look I can see them behind you, I'll just taken then"
"Give them back I stolen them first"
"Dr Gnasher are you crying"
"I can't help it im sensitive"
"look if you stop, we can share this weeks predictions Come on what do you say"
"all right then"
On to the predicting

Man united   2 v 1 Crystal Palace

Saturday 31 August 2013

Misty Tips predictions for 31.08.13 - 01.09.13

Hello everyone, I'm cute puppy Misty Tips and I'm too cute for words. Look how my tail curls around, Nice isn't it. As Theodore last week was talking about starting a pup band, I have decided to make that a reality, by going on PUP FACTOR.  The show for barely talented pups. I'm a singer and I've got a great voice, I practice by howling at the moon, people  love my voice so much that they throw boots and bricks at me in appreciation. The other dogs in my area are jealous of my talent.


She's a pup with a beautiful voice
If it was a car, it would be a Rolls Royce
Will she win Pup Factor, we don't know
But she'll enjoy giving it a go

Man City              4 v 0            Hull
Cardiff City.          2 v 2            Everton
Newcastle.           1 v 1.           Fulham
Norwich                0 v 0.          Southampton 
West Ham.           1 v 0.           Stoke
Crystal P.              0 v 1.           Sunderland 

Liverpool.               1 v 1.           Man United
West Brom.            0 v 1.           Swansea
Arsenal.                  1 v 1.           Spurs

Saturday 24 August 2013

Theodore's Predictions for 24.08.13 - 26.08.13


Hi there I'm Theodore and I'm the second prediction pup of the new season. I'm named after the fat one in the chipmunks. I wouldn't mind, but I don't really like the chipmunks, all that high pitched squealing. Personally I'd like to see them between two bricks and then said brick to be slammed together HARD. Their screams would be horrendous, but it would only last 5 minutes at the most and then we would be free of the high pitched speeded up god awful tunes. The world doesn't need singing chipmunks....singing puppies on the other that we need. I may even start a band, we could be called Dog Star. Or maybe not. All dog related band names ideas are welcome. 

He doesn't much like singing chipmunks.
He'd like to see them as a race all sunk.
Puppies who sing, now there's a thing.
Does Dog Star have a nice ring?

Right on the the predictions 

24th August 

Fulham          0 v 2   Arsenal
Everton          2 v1    West Brom
Hull.               1 v 2   Norwich
Newcastle      0 v 1   West ham
S'hampton.    1 v 0   Sunderland
Stoke.            2 v 0.  C. Palace
Aston villa      1 v  1 Liverpool 

25th August 

Cardiff       0 v 3   Man City
Spurs        1 v. 0  Swansea

26th August

Man United  2 v 2 Chelsea 

The Results

BoBo's results -  one spot on

                              7 correct results
                              Total: 10

Wednesday 21st August 2013

Show last 5 matches and coverageFixtureKick-offStatus
Chelsea       2-1Aston Villa

Monday 19th August 2013

Show last 5 matches and coverageFixtureKick-offStatus
Man City          4-0Newcastle

Sunday 18th August 2013

Show last 5 matches and coverageFixtureKick-offStatus
Crystal Palace     0-1Tottenham

Chelsea     2-0Hull

Saturday 17th August 2013

Show last 5 matches and coverageFixtureKick-offStatus
Liverpool             1-0Stoke

Arsenal            1-3Aston Villa

Norwich       2-2Everton

Sunderland       0-1Fulham

West Brom          0-1Southampton

West Ham      2-0Cardiff

       Swansea            1-4.           Man Utd

Friday 16 August 2013

BoBo's Predictions for 17.08.13 - 21.08.13

Hi there,
I'm BoBo, I'm a...well....I don't know what the hell I am, but I'm cute and small and the girls love me. Look at me sitting in a tea cup,  just look at how small I am.....sat in this very tea cup...Not a mug  or a jug...a tiny tea cup. How many of you lardy arse dogs can do that?  You'll be lucky to get a paw in. Its all about being small these days, Tiny is beautiful.  Its a tiny cup, I'm a small dog, ITS A REALLY TINY MUG and I'M SAT IN IT.!!!!
Apparently my size is not why people come here, so lets get back to the football.
I'm not even sure what this football malarkey is, but apparently all I have to do I shout out numbers.
So here goes.  
he's a tiny pooch in a cup
will he have any luck
he's doesn't know much about this football thing
Its a good job he doesn't play out on the wing.

17 August 2013

Liverpool     1 v 0   Stoke
Arsenal        2 v 2   Aston Villa
Norwich      1 v 1  Everton 
Sunderland  0 v 2  Fulham
West Brom  0 v 2  Southampton 
West Ham   0 v 0 Cardiff
Swansea     1 v 1 Man United

18 August 2013

Crystal Palace 0 v 2 Spurs
Chelsea           4 v 0 Hull

19th August 2013

Man City 2 v 1 Newcastle

21 August 2013

Chelsea 1 v 0 Aston Villa

Saturday 8 December 2012

Raggles Predicts for the Weekend of 08.12.2012

Here comes the pup!

It's poor old Raggles, I said Raggles come on lets clean you up, Raggles said I'm not dirty just a little untidy, oh Raggles!

Arsenal 2 v 0 West Brom
Aston Villa 1 v 1 Stoke
Southampton 2 v 3 Reading              

Sunderland 1 v 1  Chelsea
Swansea 2 v 2 Norwich
Wigan 1 v 2 QPR

Man City 3 v 4 Man Utd
Everton 1 v 1 Tottenham
West Ham 0 v 2 Liverpool

Fulham 0 v 0 Newcastle

Sunderland 1 v 1 Reading

Saturday 1 December 2012

Toby Predicts for the Weekend of 01.12.2012

Here are Toby's predictions...

West Ham 0 v 1 Chelsea 12:45

Arsenal 3 v 1 Swansea 15:00

Fulham 1 v 2 Tottenham 15:00

Liverpool 2 v 1 Southampton 15:00

Man City 1 v 1 Everton 15:00

QPR 2 v 1 Aston Villa 15:00

West Brom 0 v 1 Stoke 15:00

Reading 0 v 3 Man Utd

Sunday 02/12/12

Norwich 1 v 1 Sunderland   16:00

Monday 03/12/12

Newcastle 1 v 1 Wigan   20:00