Remember Paul the predicting Octopus????

Since Paul's untimely death there's been a gap in the animal football predicting market....

Somewhere in a deep dark forest at a hi-tech kennel facility. A team of scientists, top class veterinaries and Shaun Wright Phillips have been working day and night breeding and training the next generation of prediction pups.

Each week the cream of the crop will delve deep into their inner pup and predict the scores of the Barclay's English Premier League.

Will they succeed, only time will tail.

Friday 9 March 2012

Toby Predicts for the Weekend of 10.03.2012

Hi I’m Toby; you may remember me from last time round. I was really really super cute back then and I still am. I’m a basset hound puppy and I still really enjoy flapping my ears so they gently hit me in the face.
I’ve not been up to much since we last met. I won first prize in the cutest basset hound West Country awards. They said I was ‘super cute’.  I took part in the puppy Olympics and came second in the 100m short leg long body race, I was very pleased. And I won a Nobel peace prize for my work in Iran.  So all in all it’s been pretty quiet.
Here are my super cute predictions 

Monday, March 12 2012
Premier League
20.00Arsenal2-1Newcastle United

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